Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Yellow Brick Road

Well, more like black asphalt path, really. During physical therapy last night they were testing her strength, balance and endurance so we went on a 25 minute jaunt down the Provo River Parkway (just across the parking lot from the clinic). Sada was outwalking all of them and having a great time until we came to an underpass that was about a foot under water from the run-off. So, we turned around and headed back the other way. That was about 10 minutes into the walk and just enough time to start getting her a little tired. When she does get tired, her muscle strength on her left side really starts dragging and it's a little harder to keep her leg facing forward - it starts angling out to the side. We went for 15 more minutes of running and jogging just to see how much stamina she could pull up from her gut. She did remarkably well. I got to be her left-side guide so she wouldn't step off the trail into the river... not a great way to impress three therapists looking for improvement. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sada, You know...I just started physical therapy this week. It sure feels better than the alternative of sitting around doing nothing! But here's a little something I use all the time on Brani and I REALLY got the therapist with today. Every time he started to do something that hurt I smiled and told him it feels like itty bitty kitten licks. It didn't, but it made both of us howl and at the end of the day (3 hours for me), he said he was pretty impressed that I turned a bad thing into something funny. He said nobody ever did that. You're already tough and hyper funny, so try adding this to your "routine" and tell me how it goes! Love, Tracy
