Friday, April 10, 2009

I think I thunked a thought

During Sada and Alexis’ “Frog Prince” five-act play for Mom, Dad, Paige, Jason and Kyra, there was an intermission with a bee who explained what pollinators do, a praying mantis who informed us that if he were a girl she would eat her husband, and a butterfly who told us about flying and asked:

“Any questions?”

Paige obliged:

“I have a question. What is a question? (no answer)

Is a question a question? (pause)

Is the word “question” a question? (small pause)

Can you imagine what you think? (no pause)

Can you? Imagine what you think?”

I was laughing so hard I cried. Everyone else decided to ignore her and the stinky, slimy frog and his promise-breaking princess went on with the play.


  1. This is hilarious! What smart actresses AND audience! I love it! The song gives it just the right touch. Don't you think Druscella?

  2. Paige, I want your autograph since you're going to be the next big stand up comedian.

