Monday, April 20, 2009

I'm so glad when Daddy comes home!

Doctor Daddy took a quick trip this weekend to Portland for a conference. There wasn't any whining or meltdowns or gnashing of teeth while he was gone because on his way out he told the kids that if they were obedient and got along well this weekend he would bring them surprises. Yes, we believe in the reward system (it isn't bribery if they have done their jobs well, right?). Besides, it's always more fun to receive presents if there's a little bit of anticipation to get excited about!

The two younger best buds got desperately needed sandals that should last them for a year or two, and will be passed down looking decent when they've grown a foot or two. The more mature siblings both ended up with sewing kits, complete with 20 mini-spools, scissors, pins, needle threaders, pin cushions, and a 12x12 lined box to keep it all organized. All morning Alexis was embroidering some kind of sampler that I promised not to peek at, and Sada made two purses within the first 6 hours. Pretty impressive! I also received a sewing kit since mine was destroyed in last fall's bathroom flood... really, the only item that was moldy and had to be thrown out (aside from two walls of drywall and a tub, but they're not truly items. They're more like things.) Kyra received two books, chewed cardboard off the cover of one of the books before her nap and threw up all over the carpet - the kids promised to never leave books on the floor from now on so maybe the object lesson was worthwhile. And we all get to play a lovely fairy & elf game that looks fun for the whole family. Now they're asking when he gets to go on another trip. Oh, what love!

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