Tuesday, March 17, 2009

With a wee bit o' luck...

...this picture will post. We've been busy making our house festive and trying to catch leprechauns (the more cutting and tracing Sada does the better). Our masterpiece finally took over the fireplace right in time for St. Paddy's Day!
Do a little jig for the fun of it:
Just put your hand up in the air, the other hand on your hip.
You tap your toe, you tap your heel,
you bounce your knee a wee bit.
You dance and prance around the room and circle 1-2-3.
Saints be praised - I'm most amazed!
You all look Irish to me!
Happy Birthday, Lynny Leprechaun!


  1. I just did it...the little jig for the fun of it! Oh, Tawnya just corrected me and said that I did NOT do a full jig. So here I go...getting jiggy with it!

  2. Well, I can definately say that Lynny could pass as a Leprechaun...it took her a couple tries doing the jig, but once she got the hang of it she couldn't stop dancing around like a little leprechaun!

    Also...what a fun festive wall! :)
