Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Who needs tupence?

Or paper or string, for that matter. With an aptly named Windsday waiting, all the kids made kites out of plastic grocery bags and twine and ran outside to be blown around a bit. Thicker, bigger bags usually work a little better but today it didn't make an iota of difference because the storm front was creating massive gusts that flew the bags 15 feet in the air as soon as they stepped onto the back porch. Great for keeping little people entertained all day and even better for luring little Miss My Legs Are Sore out for some serious stretching. When kites failed to hold their interest, bubbles blowing away faster then they could run kept them on their toes. Tonight when Sada went to sleep, she didn't say a word about aches or pains in her legs... playing Mary Poppins must have limbered them up!


  1. Loved seeing those kites. I almost came over to join you,but I'm sure I couldn't run fast enough. Did I ever tell you that I broke my whole foot off about 22 years ago and they had to reattach the foot to my leg with screws wire etc. So now I have no cartilage in that joint which can cause problems just walking. I remember the rehab was not fun. However you seem to be doing so well and now I think I know how to comment I thought I would try it again:) Love, Sis Chambers

  2. Sada, I've been meaning to tell you about something similar (in a way) that happened to me.

    When I was a boy I had to wear a patch over one eye. This was because one eye was strong and one was weak and I kept going cross-eyed. So they did surgery on the weak eye and had me wear a patch over my strong eye so my weak one would get stronger. I wore a patch for about 2 years in elementary school.

    I got used to seeing out of one eye and it was not a problem. Then they took my patch off my strong eye and guess what? My strong eye had become weak! I wore the patch too long! So I was still cross eyed...for a while until my new weak eye got strong again.

    Anyway, I just wanted you to know I had to use one eye for a while and that I was able to do everything I needed to do. At least you don't have to wear a patch! We think about you and pray for you all the time. Love Bro Payne
