Thursday, March 26, 2009

If Oprah likes it, it must be good

On Tuesday, Oprah's friend Dr. Oz showed off a few ways to detox and improve longevity - and hyperbarics made the cut! Granted, the chamber Sada uses is a VW Bug compared to the Lamborghini they showcase, but they also spent enough money on that one to buy their own private island (or at least at timeshared private island). We tried to record the show, but that very day our machine had 17 Grand Mal seizures and kicked the bucket. Luckily, Oprah keeps her website updated and you can check out the mini-article on the benefits of diving dry at
(you'll have to click on page 5, too, to finish up the tour). As far as the "Wear 100% cotton to avoid sparks" advice, that's like saying make sure your umbrella doesn't have a metal spike on top to avoid being hit by lightning during thunderstorms - VERY proactive.

If you want to keep reading about more fun stuff, the infrared sauna on page 6 is high on the list of detox "must-dos" in this house, too. The ultimate dream spa would have an IR sauna session for 20-30 minutes, 15-20 minute lymph massage to work out all the toxins that were released from fat cells, cool mist shower to wash off all those toxins that came out with perspiration, then an hour in the hyperbaric.... with someone else watching the time so I could fall asleep on the pillows in my personal hibernation cocoon.... makes me dreamy just thinking about it. :-)

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