Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Write it off!

After 2 weeks of phone tag and going in circles with the credit union receptionists, I finally got an official answer to the question I've had since the beginning.

Ta tata taaaaaaaa - it is confirmed that all donations to "Sada's Recovery Fund" are definitely tax-deductible! For those who have helped through the button on the blog, print out a copy of the PayPal receipt and it will work as proof of a charitable donation for taxes. If you wrote a check, wait until it goes through and get a copy of it from your online account info (or we can get you a copy).

All the prayers that have been said for us have brought huge blessings - some of which have been monetarily. And they've been and will be a huge help, especially after seeing the amounts that have arrived in the mailbox over the weekend. For the hospital, surgery and follow-ups, we are responsible for $4,000 in 2008 and $4,000 in 2009. For the physical therapy, we have to hit an additional $6,000 to get it covered - and that's only if there are less than 20 visits in a year. Right now she's supposed to go 8-10 times each month. After 20 visits it's all us regardless. That's a whole lot of mullah. I'm glad we did have insurance to take the brunt of the blow - I'll never complain about premiums again.

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