Thursday, January 22, 2009

Today was chock-full of physical therapy from 8-11:15, 3 sessions of 75-minute hyperbaric treatments that had to have at least a three-hour break in between sessions, and 4 or 5 different meals... I can't actually remember because I was on the phone most of the day tracking down wedge pillows. Did you know they're awfully hard to find if you don't call the right places?

First step: a 20 minute phone call to insurance to find out exactly what they will cover (Answer: they don't know what items or how much $ will be covered until they get the claim. Isn't that sneaky of them? And they'll only pay their miniscule part if we've hit the big ol' looming deductible AND bought it from one of the companies on their special list). Second: call around to the stores that the nice insurance rep recommend only to find out that pillow wedges aren't high on the priority list of "in-stock" durable medical equipment, meaning we'd have to run around to 3 different places between Provo and Salt Lake to try out all the heights. But Sada can't even go out in public to try them for another month or so. One girl did say they were about half as wide as a normal pillow... Sada has rolled off her pillows and out of bed once already, so skinnier isn't really gonna do the job.

I started calling the "non-participating providers" ie. everyone in the phone book. And there were some very helpful salespeople, but most of the styles you do have to see to appreciate which means waiting at least until Saturday and Jeff or I wearing a mask to the stores to avoid coughs etc. etc.

I finished up calling around 5, mainly because kids were hungry and it's one thing to chop veggies for soup while holding a squirming baby but a whole 'nother thing with a phone squished to my ear, too. During dinner, a wonderful neighbor called to say she was outside in her car in our driveway with a demo wedge pillow for Sada to try out over the weekend - turns out she was the most helpful of the helpful salespeople, noticed our name on caller ID (she didn't tell me!) and decided to get in at least a bushelfull of brownie points by delivering it to our door right in time for beddie bye! It's been out on the floor for a while so the foam isn't off-gassing the super stinky toxins and I had time to wash the cover so it was ready to go after the last hyperbaric for the day. But the best part is the pillow is 2 feet wide so Sada shouldn't be rolling off the bed tonight :-) Somebody up above is still scheduling undercover angels for us and we're awfully glad.

Thought for the day: A coincidence is a small miracle in which God wishes to remain anonymous. Thanks, Kayla!

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