Thursday, January 29, 2009

To Sum It Up...

Here's a quick recap of the past month - Sada had brain surgery to remove most of an egg-sized tumor from the back of her brain and spent Christmas week in the hospital recovering. Since she's been home, she's had 3 hour physical therapy sessions twice a week, 3-4 hours a day of hyperbaric treatments, 1 or 2 nutrient IVs every week (minimum 5 hours long each) and she takes an average of 25-30 pills each day to stop the tumor from growing and help rebuild damaged cells. Her balance was completely shot after surgery and has improved dramatically, but she is still tipsy and has a hard time judging distance. Vision in her left eye varies between outlines of shadows and a whole lot of nothing with very rare flashes of clear sight in small areas once a week or so. All kids are home all day, all the time with no outside visitors to prevent any hitchhiking germs from taking advantage of an immuno-suppressed, adrenally-stressed cutie.

Overall, she's happy. Healthwise, she's not "good" as in the definition that everyone would like to hear, but she is stable. Miraculously, we're still receiving lots of tangible evidence that prayers are being offered and answered in her behalf. And characteristically, she has chosen to leave her favorite song on the top of this blog's playlist going on two weeks now because she's not tired of it yet. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the cute card. I have it out for everyone to see. We miss you at Primary and pray for your recovery. Thanks for doing this blog. I read it almost every day. I will be gone to Georgia till Feb.9. Love, Sis. Chambers
