Friday, January 9, 2009

I had a lovely talk with the insurance company today - seriously! The rep was actually helpful. I wanted to check on our coverage, since we should have a few little invoices coming in over the next couple weeks. And we saved ourselves $2000! (Both Jeff and I thought our deductible was $5000 per year and it turns out to be only $4000.) Too bad December and January ended up in different calendar years... at least the covered expenses would have stacked up nicely.

I'm sure lots of you folks are semi-curious but way too polite to ask so I'm gonna tell ya - brain surgery is expensive. Not as bad as we thought - we were pretty sure that in one week we'd hit $200k but we'll probably be hanging out around $100k instead. That's thanks to the surgeon who only charged $12k for the surgery. I think we got a deal. Only three days worth of claims have gone through and the total thus far is a little over $58,000.

Anyone else want to claim splurging like that for their Christmas this year??? No Scrooges around here, no siree!

And just in case you ever have the urge to get some really cool shots of what makes your brain tick, the price tag of Sada's evaluative MRI was $4,909.35. She'll have one of those photo shoots once every three months for at least the next few years, then every six months for a while until it goes to annually. HELLO!!! We'd better get some framed 8x10s for that price!


  1. Are you really responsible for paying the $58,000?! That's a bucket-load! Or do you reach your limit at the $4,000 deductible per calendar year?

  2. When our McKenna fell and hit her head and had to ride to Primary Childrens in the Lifeflight helicopter, she got a t-shirt to commemorate the occasion. We call it her $7500 t-shirt!
    So glad Sada is progressing!

    Kara Holmes and Crew

  3. Does she get scuba certified? =0) SHE'D BETTER FOR $58k----and all the gear! jk xoxo
