Thursday, May 6, 2010

Rub-A-Dub Dub

You don't have to be in a tub to appreciate sea-sickness patches... they also work on post-brain surgery nausea. For the last hour Sada's been sitting up IN A CHAIR watching movies and eating mouthfuls of blueberry muffins and rice pudding. She's been eating for the last couple days, but hasn't been able to keep much down because the bottom tumor was right on the brainstem's nausea button and any head movement was like being in the middle of Utah Lake during a windstorm chumming June suckers. Room-service gyros are on the menu for dinner tonight.

Speaking of tubs, she got dunked in the 6' hydrotherapy tub this afternoon and loved every minute. They have a big sling chair that can be pumped up above the giant tub rim and lowered inside so the kids have a soft seat that reclines. Even big pregnant mommies can give kids baths with two fingers :-)

Dr. Kestle stopped by to make sure nothing horrid had happened during the night. He did say that when Sada woke up in the operating room, he asked how she was doing and she gave him two thumbs up. The pathology reports should be back tomorrow.

Emily is a Child Life specialist from Same Day surgery. Sada met her during a pre-surgery class a couple weeks ago when Sada ended up being the only one to show up, and she was here when Sada checked in for surgery on Tuesday (armed with beads, games and lots of surgical tools and supplies to stick all over Lizzie, Sada's hospital buddy). She's been by every day since we got here to make sure Sada was having fun and had plenty to do (and followed up with everything to make sure it happened!). Sada had a short foosball tournament and made picture frames in the playroom this morning. And we found out that the MRI team has the best selection of unscratched DVDs in the hospital. If we ask nicely and return them before taking another out, we'll have enough to last at least until next week. Plus, any minute we should have some kind of furry friend stopping by to hang out for a little while. In the meantime, Emily brought by enough neon elastics, clippies and headbands for a beauty pagent. Even though Primary Children's was great during Christmas week last time, there are also huge pluses to being here during normal business hours when you get bored, especially when you find a fun friend to play with!


  1. Hi Sada, this is Justin and Kayelynn. We liked reading about all your fun activities in the hospital. Justin wants to ask you if you could post a picture of your hospital buddie Lizzie. We love you!

  2. Wow! Sada looks great!

    We love you!


  3. Sada looks great and sounds like she is doing even better! Way to go. I hope those nausea bands kick in, they're funny about not letting you go home if you can't eat ;)
    If the Colonel stops by for a scratch behind the ears tell him Luke says HI! Did you know he speaks four languages?
    With continued hope and peace,
    Janet, Luke's mom

  4. Sending our love, keep getting better!
