Monday, May 10, 2010

Photo Recap of the Best Parts of the Last Week

Tuesday morning: Lizzie, the hospital buddy, with a bandaid over her IV site, getting prepped for surgery. Sada was ready to go, too, hangng out in the Same Day surgery waiting room.

Sada also had 10 foam Cheerios stuck to her head to help map where the tumors were on the MRI. In surgery they use the same stickers to locate the tumors without having to do any exploratory surgery.

Wednesday morning: Post-op MRI to see if there is any bleeding or unusual swelling around the operation site.

Thursday afternoon: Daisy, a volunteer dog, came by to see if there were any kids around willing to blow bubbles for her - she really liked how they tasted.

Friday afternoon: Sada finally felt good enough in the third floor playroom to stand up at the foosball table and beat Mom with a score of 2 to 1 .

Saturday: Kabooms, kaflashes and kabubbles everywhere while the volcano exploded all over in an explosion of color. Did you know that it makes a disaster if you don't spray the vinegar right into the crater?

Sunday afternoon: Playing a song is fun to do, fun to do, to do to do... even after brain surgery. Sada was passing time waiting for her lunch to arrive and discharge papers to be processed. In spite of all the fun, she was even more ready than Mom and Dad to get back home!

1 comment:

  1. What a trooper!

    Keep up the great work, Sada.

    Bless you!
