Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Welcome to our home! For those of you who can't walk up the sidewalk in person, here's a virtual view of what you would see upon reaching the porch:

More polite than "Quarantine!!! Stay away!!!" and it seems to get the message across to most people that no one is allowed inside. Yesterday I saw a salesman walk up to the house, pause, and turn around to go on to the neighbors... maybe I should leave it up until summer to cut down on all the vacuum demonstrations.

1 comment:

  1. Home from Georgia and I keep thinking of the word Ya'll. They say that a lot in Georgia like ya'll come back, or ya'll be good now. We took our grandkids to pre Civil War mansions and visited a wonderful aquarium in Atlanta. The best partfor grandma and grandpa was just playing with the grandkids. Maybe you remember Emma Lucy and Isaac. I just love being able to keep in touch with you. I loved your poem about getting better and just remember there are a lot of people cheerleading in the background for you.
    I will be happy to see you in Primary again and be able to give you a big hug. Anne and Abbey have missed you too. Well hope you get this message. Love you, Sis. Chambers
