Friday, February 6, 2009

By the time we finally get Sada's supplement regime figured out, she's only going to need one real meal a day.

This afternoon, her pupils weren't constricting much no matter how bright the lights were, and unusual dilation is usually what precedes the bug-eyed look that seems to indicate extra pressure in the brain... goody gumdrops! (Please excuse the sarcasm - it's been a very long night.) In the treat bag from Jeff's office came another 8 supplements/ homeopathics/ nutrients which will add around 18 more pills each day, all specific to inflammation, swelling, bruising and trauma. I've been told that with brain surgery it can take 3-5 months for inflammation to subside. No horse pills this time, just some little vitamin E caps, bromelain, EFA & DHA to go along with everything else.

She doesn't have headaches and she's not throwing up, so there's no "proof" of the swelling and no way to test it without getting inside the skull... been there once and not going to do it again, thanks! It would be really frustrating right now if we had to wait until things got worse before being able to do something about it. Maybe that's why Sada got to be our oldest instead of growing up in another family!

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