Friday, May 15, 2009

Tooth Doc

Today we went to the dentist (tooth doctor). When we got there, it wasn't very busy. I found the new Highlights magazine and started reading it. Mom went in to get her teeth cleaned first. I kept reading. Then Alexis went in after she had been holding Kyra and it was my turn to hold her so I couldn't read anymore. Dad told me to take her to the bead playground in the corner and she decided she wanted to stand up without holding onto anything. She stood up NO HANDS for about 10 or 15 seconds. When it was my turn to go in, one of the tooth cleaners asked about my December. I told her about Christmas in the hospital. Then it was time for the tooth cleaning. I chose orange toothpaste. She put it on the electronic toothbrush and polished everything. After my bottom right side was done, she used the vacuum cleaner and used it the rest of the time. The hygienist came in with Captain Hook's ultrasonic hook to clean off the plaque - that's the same kind of instrument the neurosurgeon used to break up the tumor. Les came in after to check for cavities. I'm going to get sealants next week to stop any cavities in back from EVER making life miserable. We all got tokens for being good patients and I got an icky sticky spider. We all went home with new toothbrushes. The End.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Kyra is such a big girl now! Maybe she'll be walking by the time we come to visit this summer?
