Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Imagine That!?!

Summer sunshine has this tendency to push bedtime back way too late for little people who need more than 8 hours of sleep each night. Last night we started early, and thanks to blackout shades in all bedrooms, little heads were on little pillows by 8pm. At 9pm, Paige came out cradling her pointer in her other hand and informed the world that Jason just bit her finger. Paige is pretty honest, but only gives the complete story after sympathy loves are received. I skipped right past the hugs, checked for bloodage - none, good thing since I'm not sure Jason is up on his rabies shots - and asked while herding her back to the bedroom, "What was your finger doing in Jason's mouth?"

"Well, I thought it would be a good idea, but actually, it wasn't."

One more set of tucks and kisses on the nose, then all lights out and both she and the boy were snoring within minutes.

1 comment:

  1. Where in the world does Paige come up with this kind of! She is an amazing little girl! :)
