Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Knock Knock...

Who's there?


Irish who?

Irish you a Happy St. Patrick's Day!

We had a St. Patrick's party today, with big signs, shamrock scavenger hunts, hats, three legged races, leprechaun traps, sidewalk murals, and lots and lots of fun. Of course, everyone wore something green. And we got green glow-in-the-dark rings from Mommy leprechaun. We also know what kind of boy to marry, thanks to Darby O'Gill, "A fine, strong lad with temperate ways." Just like Dad.

You put your hand up in the air,
Your other hand on your hip.
You tap your toe,
You tap your heel,
You bounce your knee a wee bit.
You dance and prance around the room
And circle one - two - three.
Saints be praised, I'm most amazed; You all look Irish to me!

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